A thriving artistic town on the Haleakala volcano, this historic location has many great opportunities for tourists to enjoy a relaxing day enjoying the local flavors and exploring the boutiques, galleries and unique shops. Also known for the paniolo, or Hawaiian cowboys, the area hosts rodeo-style shows and competitions with some island twists. This quaint location is a wonderful place to spend a relaxing day with your significant other or family, taking in a piece of Hawaii that many seem to overlook. Visiting Makawow truly is one of the best things to do in Hawaii.
Alongside the art exhibitions, paniolo and locally-owned eateries, the city is also home to the Iao Theater. What is most interesting about the Iao Theater is that it is reportedly haunted with spirits that have a somewhat physical presence in that they will close doors, move objects and elicit scents that for all intents and purposes shouldn’t be smelled in the theater. Likewise, an overwhelming feeling of being watched has accompanied many visitors to this site as well as the sounds of voices coming from empty spaces.